Results for 'Christa M. Haeseli'

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  1.  16
    Marginale Zauberspruchüberlieferung im frühen Mittelalter.Christa M. Haeseli - 2011 - Das Mittelalter 16 (2):126-141.
    Old High German spells are among the earliest texts in the German vernacular. At first, they were passed on as marginal entries in theological manuscripts. Based on two representative examples, the Merseburger Cod. 136, and the Trierer Hs 40/1018 8°, the relationships between the spells, other marginalia, and the main text shall be explored with regard to their content and function. The question arises whether and to what extent the formal positioning on the margins of the manuscripts equates to a (...)
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  2. The Intrapersonal Paradox of Deontology.Christa M. Johnson - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (3):279-301.
    In response to the so-called “paradox of deontology,” many have argued that the agent-relativity of deontological constraints accounts for why an agent may not kill one in order to prevent five others from being killed. Constraints provide reasons for particular agents not to kill, not reasons to minimize overall killings. In this paper, I tease out the significance of an underappreciated aspect of this agent-relative position, i.e. it provides no guidance as to what an agent ought to do when faced (...)
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  3. How Deontologists Can Be Moderate.Christa M. Johnson - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2):227-243.
    Moderate deontologists hold that while it is wrong to kill an innocent person to save, say, five other individuals, it is indeed morally permissible to kill one if, say, millions of lives are at stake. A basic worry concerning the moderate’s position is whether the view boils down to mere philosophical wishful thinking. In permitting agents to ever kill an innocent, moderates require that agents treat persons as means, in opposition to traditional deontological motivations. Recently Tyler Cook argued that deontologists (...)
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    Leaving Agent-Relative Value Behind.Christa M. Johnson - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (1):53-67.
    Commonsense morality seems to feature both agent-neutral and agent-relative elements. For a long time, the core debate between consequentialists and deontologists was which of these features should take centerstage. With the introduction of the consequentializing project and agent-relative value, however, agent-neutrality has been left behind. While I likewise favor an agent-relative view, agent-neutral views capture important features of commonsense morality.This article investigates whether an agent-relative view can maintain what is attractive about typical agent-neutral views. In particular, I argue that the (...)
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    Resolutions, salient reasons, and weakness of will.Christa M. Johnson - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5115-5138.
    Traditionally, weakness of will has been identified with an agent acting contrary to her better judgment, or akrasia. Recent empirical findings, however, have led many to conclude that the folk concept of WOW is not amenable to necessary and sufficient conditions. To this end, it has been argued that WOW attributions point to a cluster concept :341–360, 2012), a disjunctive account of WOW as either judgment or resolution violation :391–404, 2010), and a two-tiered account including both failures to adhere to (...)
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    In Defense of Vaccine Mandates: An Argument from Consent Rights.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld & Christa M. Johnson - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):27-40.
    This article will focus on the ethical issues of vaccine mandates and stake claim to the relatively extreme position that outright requirements for people to receive the vaccine are ethically correct at both the governmental and institutional levels. One novel strategy employed here will be to argue that deontological considerations pertaining to consent rights cut as much in favor of mandating vaccines as against them. The presumption seems to be that arguments from consent speak semi-definitively against forcing people to inject (...)
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    Reliability and validity of the NeuroCognitive Performance Test, a web-based neuropsychological assessment.Glenn E. Morrison, Christa M. Simone, Nicole F. Ng & Joseph L. Hardy - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sprechen und Gesprochenes: Geschichte der Sprechwissenschaft in Marburg: Standpunkte, Erinnerungen, Visionen: Festschrift für Lothar Berger.Lothar Berger & Christa M. Heilmann (eds.) - 2002 - Münster: Lit.
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    Understanding for Hire.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld & Christa M. Johnson - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (3):389-405.
    In this paper, we will explore one way in which understanding can—and, we will argue, should—be valuable. We will do this by drawing on what has been said about the different ways knowledge can be valuable. Our main contribution will be to identify one heretofore undiscussed way knowledge could be valuable, but isn’t—specifically, having value to someone other than the understander. We suggest that it is a desideratum on an account of understanding that understanding have the specified type of value; (...)
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    Bamberger Symposium: Rezeption in der islamischen Kunst vom 26.6-28.6.1992.Jonathan M. Bloom, Barbara Finster, Christa Fragner & Herta Hafenrichter - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):657.
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    Psychometric Properties and Validation of the EMOTICOM Test Battery in a Healthy Danish Population.Vibeke H. Dam, Christa K. Thystrup, Peter S. Jensen, Amy R. Bland, Erik L. Mortensen, Rebecca Elliott, Barbara J. Sahakian, Gitte M. Knudsen, Vibe G. Frokjaer & Dea S. Stenbæk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites, with an Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts.Christa Muller-Kessler, Hannah M. Cotton & Ada Yardeni - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):115.
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  13. Bernd Magnus and Kathleen M. Higgins, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Christa Acampora - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17:47-49.
  14. Bernd Magnus and Kathleen M. Higgins, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche Reviewed by.Christa Davis Acampora - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (1):47-49.
  15.  17
    Communication Skills and Communicative Autonomy of Prelinguistic Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children: Application of a Video Feedback Intervention.Meghana Wadnerkar Kamble, Christa Lam-Cassettari & Deborah M. James - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:543882.
    Background and Aim Evidence on the efficacy of parenting interventions to support communication development in deaf and hard-of-hearing children is emerging. In previous research, we showed that parental participation in a video feedback–based intervention enhanced parental self-esteem and emotional availability to their deaf and hard-of-hearing children. This paper investigates the impact of the intervention on the development of the children’s prelingual communication skills and autonomy. Evidence on the efficacy of parenting interventions to support communication development is warranted. Methods Sixteen hearing (...)
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    Evaluation of the dissemination and implementation of pressure ulcer guidelines in Dutch nursing homes.Esther Meesterberends, Ruud J. G. Halfens, Christa Lohrmann, Jos M. G. A. Schols & Rianne de Wit - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):705-712.
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    Spinning the Web of Life: Feminism, Ecology, and Christa Wolf.Marlene A. Schiwy & Steven M. Rosen - 1990 - The Trumpeter 7 (1):16-26.
  18.  15
    Power and Politics in Belgian Education: 1815-1961.Anselme J. D'Haese & Vernon Mallinson - 1963 - British Journal of Educational Studies 12 (1):115.
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    Vrouwen die denken zijn lastig.Aline D’Haese - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (4):360-374.
    Where were the women? On exclusivity in ancient Greek democracy This article examines the position of women in Athenian democracy. First, we briefly explain what democracy in Athens looked like during its heyday. It is then explained that women were excluded from the active life in the polis and that at the same time there was an ambivalence in the classical Greek view on the status of women. Furthermore the role of women in fictional stories is elucidated as a possible (...)
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  20.  42
    Civilizing Australia.Richard Haese - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):118-127.
    Against the background of the Second World War and post-war cultural change in Australia, this review article discusses the establishment of the profession of art history and art curatorial scholarship in Australia in the 1940s and 1950s. The key figures in this transformation were Franz Philipp and Ursula Hoff (European ‘savant’ refugees from Nazism and anti-Semitism), and the British scholar Joseph Burke (appointed as Herald Professor of Fine Arts at Melbourne University). These figures played pivotal roles in Sir Keith Murdoch's (...)
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    The art of the overseas exhibition.Richard Haese - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 132 (1):102-114.
    The history of Australian art has been punctuated with survey exhibitions in London from the late 19th century to the present, just as our artists were drawn to Europe both to study and for the possibilities of wider recognition. This review article focuses on the post-war years from 1950 to 1965, a high point of Australian cultural expatriatism focused on London – now viewed as a significant episode in the history of Australian art. The two most influential figures supporting key (...)
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    β-Amyloid Plaque Reduction in the Hippocampus After Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Opening in Alzheimer’s Disease.Pierre-François D’Haese, Manish Ranjan, Alexander Song, Marc W. Haut, Jeffrey Carpenter, Gerard Dieb, Umer Najib, Peng Wang, Rashi I. Mehta, J. Levi Chazen, Sally Hodder, Daniel Claassen, Michael Kaplitt & Ali R. Rezai - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    (1 other version)Overzicht van het Belgische politiek gebeuren in 1990.Reinoud D'Haese & Pol Van Den Driessche - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (3-4):378-395.
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    Awareness of Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Results of a Survey Conducted in 500 Subjects Across 5 European Countries as a Basis for an Online Awareness Campaign. [REVIEW]Patrick S. C. D’Haese, Marc De Bodt, Vincent Van Rompaey & Paul Van de Heyning - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801875942.
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    Transidentité et auto-détermination : de l’extension sociale de la fictio legis.Valérie Kokoszka, Sam Ward & Karolien Haese - 2024 - Cités 97 (1):33-42.
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    Staying under the radar: constraints on labour agency of pineapple plantation workers in Costa Rica?Annelien Gansemans & Marijke D’Haese - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):397-414.
    Plantation workers have seemingly little opportunities for labour agency, defined as the worker’s ability to act and improve their conditions. In response to a call for a better understanding of the horizontal dimension shaping labour agency, this article questions what local factors determine the worker’s ability to act by analysing the institutional constraints embedded in the national context through a mixed methods approach. A combination of qualitative and quantitative data is used to understand what shapes and constrains the potential for (...)
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    When Workplace Unionism in Global Value Chains Does Not Function Well: Exploring the Impediments.Céline Louche, Lotte Staelens & Marijke D’Haese - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):379-398.
    Improving working conditions at the bottom of global value chains has become a central issue in our global economy. In this battle, trade unionism has been presented as a way for workers to make their voices heard. Therefore, it is strongly promoted by most social standards. However, establishing a well-functioning trade union is not as obvious as it may seem. Using a comparative case study approach, we examine impediments to farm-level unionism in the cut flower industry in Ethiopia. For this (...)
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    Die Corona-Pandemie II: Leben lernen mit dem Virus.Walter Schaupp, Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer, Johann Platzer & Wolfgang Kröll (eds.) - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has confronted us with constantly new challenges. We need to browse new inventories of scientific knowledge to reflect on previous experiences and thus facilitate societal learning. In line with the first volume on the COVID-19 pandemic in this series, contributions from different disciplines and fields of practice create an awareness of the complexity of this crisis and help us to understand the diversity of challenges it poses. The first part focuses on philosophical, sociological and psychological problem (...)
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  29.  27
    Contesting Nietzsche.Christa Davis Acampora - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this groundbreaking work, Christa Davis Acampora offers a profound rethinking of Friedrich Nietzsche’s crucial notion of the agon. Analyzing an impressive array of primary and secondary sources and synthesizing decades of Nietzsche scholarship, she shows how the agon, or contest, organized core areas of Nietzsche’s philosophy, providing a new appreciation of the subtleties of his notorious views about power. By focusing so intensely on this particular guiding interest, she offers an exciting, original vantage from which to view this (...)
  30. Critique of the Standard Model of Moral Injury.Christa Davis Acampora, Ditte Marie Munch-Jurisic, Andrew Culbreth, Sarah Denne & Jacob Smith - 2024 - New Ideas in Psychology 75.
    This article seeks to describe in general terms what has become the standard way of conceptualizing moral injury in the clinical psychological and psychiatric literature, which is the key source for applications of the concept in other domains. What we call “the standard model” draws on certain assumptions about beliefs, mental states, and emotions as well as an implicit theory of causation about how various forms of harm arise from certain experiences or “events” that violate persons’ moral beliefs and systems. (...)
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  31. Where do moral injuries come from? A relational conception of moral practice and experience.Christa Acampora, Ditte Marie Munch-Jurisic, Sarah Denne & Jacob Smith - forthcoming - Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health.
    The predominant account of the etiology of moral injuries among Veterans and military personnel in the clinical psychological and psychiatric literature construes morality as inherent in belief structures. This supports the conceptualization of moral injuries as intrapsychic phenomena resulting from exposure to high-stakes events in which fixed beliefs are contravened in ways that result in psychological harms, including maladaptive beliefs and distress. We identify several problems with this formulation and offer suggestions for modification, including greater focus on: 1) experiences rather (...)
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    Argumentation and Explanation in Conceptual Change: Indications From Protocol Analyses of Peer‐to‐Peer Dialog.Christa S. C. Asterhan & Baruch B. Schwarz - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (3):374-400.
    In this paper we attempt to identify which peer collaboration characteristics may be accountable for conceptual change through interaction. We focus on different socio‐cognitive aspects of the peer dialog and relate these with learning gains on the dyadic as well as the individual level. The scientific topic that was used for this study concerns natural selection, a topic for which students’ intuitive conceptions have been shown to be particularly robust. Learning tasks were designed according to the socio‐cognitive conflict instructional paradigm. (...)
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    Naturalism and Nietzsche's Moral Psychology.Christa Davis Acampora - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson, A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 314–333.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Nietzsche's (Artful) Naturalism The Subject Naturalized Nietzsche's Artful Naturalism Toward an Ethos of the Agonized Subject.
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  34. Contesting Nietzsche.Christa Davis Acampora - 2002 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (1):1-4.
    Agon as analytic, diagnostic, and antidote -- Contesting Homer: the poiesis of value -- Contesting Socrates: Nietzsche's (artful) naturalism -- Contesting Paul: toward an ethos of agonism -- Contesting Wagner: how one becomes what one is.
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  35. The Right and the Wren.Christa Peterson & Jack Samuel - 2021 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 81-103.
    Metaethical constructivism aims to explain morality’s authority and relevance by basing it in agency, in a capacity of the creatures who are in fact morally bound. But constructivists have struggled to wring anything recognizably moral from an appropriately minimal conception of agency. Even if they could, basing our reasons in our individual agency seems to make other people reason-giving for us only indirectly. This paper argues for a constructivism based on a social conception of agency, on which our capacity to (...)
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  36. On Sovereignty and Overhurnanity: Why it Matters How We Read Nietzsche’s Genealogy II:2.Christa Davis Acampora - 2004 - International Studies in Philosophy 36 (3):127-145.
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    Creating a multidisciplinary low back pain guideline: anatomy of a guideline adaptation process.Christa Harstall, Paul Taenzer, Donna K. Angus, Carmen Moga, Tara Schuller & N. Ann Scott - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):693-704.
  38. Principal works: The themes of affirmation and illusion in The birth of tragedy and beyond / Daniel Came ; 'Holding on to the sublime' : on Nietzsche's early 'unfashinable' project / Keith Ansell-Pearson ; The gay science / Christopher Janaway ; Zarathustra : 'that malicious Dionysian' / Gudrun von Tevenar ; Beyond good and evil / Maudemarie Clark and David Dudrick ; Nietzsche's Genealogy / Richard Schacht ; Nietzsche's Antichrist / Dylan Jaggard ; Beholding Nietzsche : Ecce homo, fate, and freedom.Christa Davis Acampora - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals: Critical Essays.Christa Davis Acampora (ed.) - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this astonishingly rich volume, experts in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, political theory, aesthetics, history, critical theory, and hermeneutics bring to light the best philosophical scholarship on what is arguably Nietzsche's most rewarding but most challenging text. Including essays that were commissioned specifically for the volume as well as essays revised and edited by their authors, this collection showcases definitive works that have shaped Nietzsche studies alongside new works of interest to students and experts alike. A lengthy introduction, annotated (...)
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  40. Demos Agonistes Redux.Christa Acampora - 2003 - Nietzsche Studien 32:374-390.
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    The Making of a Philosopher: The Contemplative Letters of Charles de Bovelles.Christa Lundberg - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (2):185-205.
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    Self-Injury: Symbolic Sacrifice/Self-Assertion Renders Clinicians Helpless.Christa Kruger - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):17-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 17-21 [Access article in PDF] Self-Injury:Symbolic Sacrifice/Self-Assertion Renders Clinicians Helpless Christa Krüger Keywords feminism, iconic communication, moral conflict, oppression, psychiatrist/psychologist roles, societal norms. POTTER'S PAPER CONSIDERS self-injury in women diagnosed with borderline person ality disorder (BPD) to be a form of body modification where the body is used to communicate meaning. She touches on symbolism as a possible explanatory theory for this (...)
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    Public Voices in Pharmaceutical Deliberations: Negotiating “Clinical Benefit” in the FDA’s Avastin Hearing.Christa B. Teston, S. Scott Graham, Raquel Baldwinson, Andria Li & Jessamyn Swift - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (2):149-170.
    This article offers a hybrid rhetorical-qualitative discourse analysis of the FDA’s 2011 Avastin Hearing, which considered the revocation of the breast cancer indication for the popular cancer drug Avastin. We explore the multiplicity of stakeholders, the questions that motivated deliberations, and the kinds of evidence presented during the hearing. Pairing our findings with contemporary scholarship in rhetorical stasis theory, Mol’s (2002) construct of multiple ontologies, and Callon, Lascoumes, and Barthe’s (2011) “hybrid forums,” we demonstrate that the FDA’s deliberative procedures elides (...)
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  44. Nietzsche, Agency, and Responsibility: "Das Thun ist Alles".Christa Davis Acampora - 2013 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 44 (2):141-157.
    There is much in Robert Pippin’s Nietzsche, Psychology, and First Philosophy that merits consideration. During the panel discussion that provided the basis for this article, I marked several paths for further exploration, including Pippin’s treatment of Nietzsche’s naturalism and his characterization of what he calls Nietzsche’s “picture arguments.” Ultimately, I chose to focus on a concern that has drawn intense interest in the recent literature, namely Nietzsche’s conception of agency and freedom, which forms the subject of Pippin’s fourth chapter, “The (...)
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    Adapting low back pain guidelines within a multidisciplinary context: a process evaluation.Christa Harstall, Paul Taenzer, Nancy Zuck, Donna K. Angus, Carmen Moga & N. Ann Scott - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):773-781.
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    The Disappearance of Art: The Postmodernism Debate in the U.S.Christa Bürger - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (68):93-106.
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    Of Dangerous Games and Dastardly Deeds.Christa Davis Acampora - 2002 - International Studies in Philosophy 34 (3):135-151.
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  48. Designer cows: The practice of cattle breeding between skill and standardization.Christa Grasseni - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (1):33-49.
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  49. Public sector CSR communication: a dialogical approach.Christa Thomsen - 2007 - Hermes 38:41-64.
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    World-viewing Dialogues on Precarious Life: The Urgency of a New Existential, Spiritual, and Ethical Language in the Search for Meaning in Vulnerable life.Christa Anbeek - 2017 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 25 (2):171-185.
    In the last sixty years the West-European religious landscape has changed radically. People, and also religious and humanist communities, in a post-sec¬ular world are challenged to develop a new existential, ethical and spiritual language that fits to their global and pluralistic surroundings. This new world-viewing language could rise out of the reflection on contrast experiences, positive and negative disruptive experiences that question the everyday inter pretations of life. The connection of these articulated reflections on contrast experiences with former world-viewing sources (...)
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